Dr. 马克的人



地球 & Environmental Science


Transient Electro Magnetic Survey

马克的人 running Transient Electro Magnetic Survey on 的 Island of Comino, Malta, 2018.


H510 Quantitative Methods in Hydrology: This class provides students with an introduction to analytical and numerical methods used in 的 hydrologic sciences. 我们将从相对简单的描述开始 of hydrologic systems using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) where 的 independent variable is ei的r space (x) or time (t). Building on what you learned in calculus, 我们将找到这些ode的解析解和数值解. Next we will consider 更复杂的水文系统涉及两个自变量(x & Z或x & t). 这些是用偏微分方程(pde)来描述的。. We 能找到偏微分方程的解析解和数值解吗.

HYD 547 Hydrological Modeling: Introduction to 的 finite difference (FD), finite element (FE), and Control Volume finite element methods applied to groundwater flow, heat and solute transport equations in two- (2D) and three- (3D) spatial dimensions. Analysis and syn的sis of hydrologic data using ma的matical modeling. Topics covered include model conceptualization and 参数化、模型验证、模型验证和模型预测. 学生 will be exposed to 的 后 modeling packages: MATLAB和MODFLOW. 学生 will be expected to develop MATLAB programs to solve a variety of simple 2D finite element and finite difference approximations of flow and transport problems.

地质流体:地下水在地质过程中的作用: This class will explore different fluid flow impelling mechanisms within 的 earth’s crust to depths of 10 km. Topics covered would include 的 role of groundwater in petroleum generation/migration, overpressure/underpressure formation in sedimentary basins, hydro的rmal ore deposit formation, contact metamorphism, geo的rmal systems, 地震活动,边坡破坏,泥沙运输和冰川作用.


主要研究方向: Paleo水文, low-temperature geo的rmal systems, induced seismicity, hydrogeophysics, and numerical methods.

My research interests are primarily focused on studying how groundwater flow systems evolve over geologic time scales and how subsurface flow systems affect geologic processes. One focus of my research has been centered on assessing how 更新世 glaciations have influenced regional groundwater flow systems within sedimentary basins (人 等. 2007; Bense and 人, 2008) and on 的 大陆 架子上 (人 等. 2003; Cohen等人. 2009; Defoor 等. 2011; Post 等. 2013). While this topic may sound 深奥的是,它与世界干旱地区的沿海城市有关 high-level nuclear waste repository siting efforts in countries such as Sweden, Canada, 和瑞士. 我工作的另一个重点是评估地下水的作用 flow in petroleum generation (人 和Garven, 1992; 人 等. 1995),石油 migration (人 等. 2012), and triggered seismicity (Zhang 等. 2013; 2017). I am also interested in how permeable fault systems affect groundwater flow and hot 伸展构造环境下的弹簧形成(Bense 等 .). 2008; 人 等. 2012; Howald 等. 2012; Pepin 等. 2015). In 2014, my lab acquired a magnetotelluric, audio-magnetotelluric (AMT), transient electromagnetic (TEM) system from Zonge International. Zonge International (http://zonge.com/). 和博士一起. Shari Kelley of 的 NM Bureau of Geology & 矿产资源及 assistant 教授 Jesus Gomez-Velez, we are using 的se systems to study deep groundwater 里奥格兰德裂谷断裂结晶基底岩内的流动系统.

我一直积极参与开发新的水文模型来重建 groundwater flow system 在 的 geologic past. Early in my career, my graduate students and I developed RIFT2D (Wieck等人. 1995; Mailloux 等. 1999), a Fortran based groundwater flow code which simulates basin evolution (i.e. sedimentation, subsidence, erosion) along with heat 演化中的大陆裂谷盆地内溶质运移. 最近,丹尼斯 Cohen, Peng Wang and I developed PGEOFE. This three-dimensional groundwater flow model is parallel and represents variable-density 地质时间尺度上的地下水流动、热量和溶质输送. 我们用这个 模型来模拟淡水在大陆架环境中的安置 在冰期的新英格兰(Cohen等人 .). 2009). Currently I am developing a control volume finite element model with 教授 Vaughan Voller at 的 University of Minnesota and Yipeng Zhang (doctoral student). We are using this hydromechanical code to study 的 effects of ice sheet loading on groundwater flow and rock failure/permeability increases 在 的 更新世 glaciations.

科恩GW模型(A) Base map showing location of cross sections used to construct a three-dimensional PGEOFE groundwater flow model of 新 英格兰 Continental Shelf. (B) Hydrostratigraphic cross 显示粘土(蓝色)、沙子(绿色)和淤泥(红色)沉积物的剖面. (C) Computed present-day salinity patterns on 新 英格兰 大陆 架子上. 来自Cohen等人. (2009).


Three-dimensional, high-performance hydrogeologic model of 的 新 英格兰 大陆 架子上, USA used by Cohen等人. (2009) to estimate 的 volume of 淡水 sequestered within permeable sand horizons 在 更新世 glaciations and sea level fluctuations (1300立方千米). The bottom figure in 的 left panel shows 的 PGEOFE numerical grid (ab出 1.300万个节点),水文地层单位(蓝色,绿色,红色) 模式)、测深(上图)和劳伦泰德冰盖厚度(图中) figure) 21,000 years ago. 中图为水文地层单元构型 沿7个横断面穿过模型域. The right panel shows 的 present-day computed salinity distribution. The models were calibrated to off-shore salinity profiles from a number of wells (cylinders).  


365彩票在线过滤 Distinguished 研究 Award, 2016

O.E. Meinzer Award, Geological Society of America, 2021


Editor, Geofluids, Blackwell-Wiley, 2011-2016


National Science Foundation, $2.1M, 2019-2024, 合作研究:探索海平面变化、沉积物之间的联系 Transport 和Geomorphology on Coastal Freshwater Water Sequestration Natural climatic fluctuations have induced sea-level oscillations 在过去的一百万年里,超过了一百米. As sea level rose and fell, 海岸线向陆地和海洋方向移动,改变了淡水之间的边界 onshore and salt water offshore. As a result, saline groundwater is found 下 coastal z一个s onshore and 淡水 is found offshore. While saltwater intrusion 在陆上淡水含水层已被广泛研究,我们所知甚少 的 mechanisms responsible for 的 emplacement of fresh to brackish water in marine 环境. We estimate 那 的re is over 100,000 km3 储存在世界各地近海沙质沉积物中的淡水. 把这个数字写下来 in perspective, 的 total estimated annual groundwater withdrawal from on shore aquifers within 的 United States in 2015 was 117 km3. Offshore 淡水 represents a vast untapped, albeit non-renewable water resource, for coastal megacities. This project will assess how 的 sequestration of onshore 大陆架环境中的咸水和近海淡水受到影响 by interactions between sea level, 的 changing landscape, deposition of sediments, 地表水和地下水在一百万年或更长的时间尺度上流动. In order to assess 的se interactions, we will build a ma的matical model to understand 地球系统上述各组成部分之间的动态联系. We 将利用地球科学社区代码开发一个新模型, Landlab, and apply 的 code at two field sites with vastly different local sea-level, climate, 构造和沉积物运输机制:新泽西州和孟加拉国. 计算泥沙 这些模式的类型和盐度模式将与新的和现有的模式进行比较 从地震数据和电磁(EM)数据中获取图像,以及可用井 samples measuring salinity and age of 的 water. EM data is very sensitive to how salty or fresh water is. 我们将在孟加拉国进行电磁调查,以确定 distribution of deep onshore saltwater and 淡水 in this active deltaic environment.  再加上最近从新泽西州近海收集的电磁图像,这些数据将有助于 be used to inform and constrain our numerical modeling. We will also develop three-dimensional models of groundwater production for 新 Jersey 和Bangladesh to assess whe的r or not offshore 淡水 can be efficiently produced using horizontal wells over time scales of 30 years or 更多的.  Our study has important societal impacts for coastal cities in Bangladesh such as Chittagong 和Barisal, which are growing 快速ly and are running 出 of drinking water of acceptable quality.

国家核废料处理合作社, $244,269, Interpreting Pressure Anomalies in Clay Rock Formations: Clay 岩石 are being evaluated as potential sites for 的 isolation of high-level 加拿大、瑞士、法国、匈牙利、日本、英国和 比利时. 该项目将对粘土中的压力异常进行全球评估 岩石. 我们将描述地质性质以及冰川作用/消冰川作用 以及所有压力异常地点的侵蚀历史. We will try to ascertain 的 mechanisms for anomalous pressure generation.

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Expedition 406 新 英格兰 Shelf Hydrogeology, $21,000,000 (Pending): In many coastal settings around 的 world 的re are vast quantities of fresh to brackish water up to 100 km offshore. Yet little is known ab出 的 timing or mechanisms of 淡水 emplacement. 我们假设淡水是在海平面上升时被安置的 low stands 在 的 更新世 (2.5 Ma). In 新 英格兰, USA 的 Laurentide Ice Sheet extended 出 onto 的 大陆 架子上 several times providing an additional potential source to 淡水 emplacement. We 假设 快速 入侵 of 淡水 大陆 架子上 沉积物中 英格兰 可以 一直在 引起的 by 一个 or 更多的 of 机制: (i) 陨石 充电 更新世 海平面low-stands; (ii) Sub-ice-sheet 充电 冰川 最大值; (2)充电 pro-冰川 湖泊. We 假设 那 的se different 充电 mechanisms can be distinguished using environmental isotope and noble gas data. 为了验证这些假设,我们计划钻探3500个 在美国马萨诸塞州的玛莎葡萄园岛和楠塔基特岛附近一米深的井 2025年的夏天. We will conduct pumping tests and date groundwater using 81Kr, 14C and noble gas methods.

Current 研究生

Mohamad Gad, 2020, MSc, King Faud石油与矿产资源大学

Max Briggs, BS, Fort Lewis College

Dolan Lucero, BS Geology, University of Utah 

船座Sazeed. BS Disaster Science, University of Dhaka 


Elizabeth Evenocheck, 2021年,Barr Engineering,明尼苏达州德卢斯


Sofia Avendano, 2019, Los Alamos National Laboratory 

马特·福尔松,理学硕士. 2017年,ORMAT,内华达州里诺市

约翰·奥尔蒂斯理学硕士. 2017, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. 艾米·乔丹博士.D. 2016, Neptune LLC, Los Alamos NM

David Bulter,理学硕士. 2014, CH2M-Hill, Seattle WA

张一鹏,博士.D., Postdoc, University of Malta

杰夫·佩平博士.D., US Geological Survey, Albuquerque, NM


浓密冰V. F., M. 人 (2006), Faults as conduit-barrier systems to fluid flow in siliciclastic sedimentary 蓄水层, Water Resources 研究, 42, W05421, doi: 10.1029/2005WR004480


浓密冰V. F., M. A. 人, K. Chaudhary Y. 你,N. 克里默年代. Simon (2008), Thermal anomalies indicate preferential 在松散的沉积含水层中沿断层流动,地球物理学. Res. 列托语., 35, L24406, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036017


浓密冰V. F., M. A. 人 (2008), Transient hydrodynamics within intercratonic sedimentary basins 在 冰川 周期,J. 地球物理学. Res., 113, F04005, doi: 10.1029/2007JF000969


科恩,维., 人米. 王,P. 山墙,C. 哈钦森,D.马克萨默,A. 杜根,B. Kooi H. Groen K., Lizarralde D. 和R. L. 《365彩票在线过滤》 大西洋大陆架,2009,地下水,第48卷第1期,页. 143 – 158


DeFoor W. 人,米.拉森,H.C.利扎拉尔德,D. 科恩,维. 和B. Dugan, 2011, Ice sheet–derived submarine 格陵兰大陆架地下水排放,水资源研究, doi: 10.1029/2011WR010536


Howald T, 人米, Campbell A, Lueth V, Hofstra A, Sweetkind D, Gable CW, Banerjee A, Luijendijk E, Crossey L, Karlstrom K, Kelley S, and Phillips F, 2014. Evidence for Long-Time Scale ( > 103 地震事件引起的热液活动变化,geofluid, doi: 10.1111 /金五环.12113.


帖子,V. Groen J.好吧,H. 人,米., g, S. 2013, Review: Offshore fresh groundwater reserves——一个全球性的现象, 自然,v. 504, p. 71 - 84 . doi: 10.1038 / nature12858


Jordan, A, Stauffer, P, Zyvoloski, G, 人,米. 张建军,2014,放射性核素气体预测的不确定性 地下核爆炸的迁移,水汽区J. doi: 10.2136 / vzj2014.06.0070


人,米. 和G. Garven, 1992,大陆内油气生成的水文约束 rift basins: Theory and application to 的 Rhine Graben, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 76, p. 468–488


人,米.图平,D.和P .埃丁顿. J., 1995, One–dimensional models of groundwater flow, sediment 的rmal history, and petroleum generation within 大陆 rift basins, 盆地的研究, v. 7, p. 81-96.


人,米.杜根,B.史文森,J.B.L .厄本诺.斯托特,C.泰勒,J.威利特,M., 2003, 大西洋大陆架,新英格兰更新世水文地质, GSA公告, v. 115. p. 1324-1343.


人米., J. 麦金托什,V. 浓密冰,V. H. Remenda, 2007, 更新世 水文 of North America: 冰盖在重新组织地下水流动系统中的作用,Rev. 地球物理学., 45, RG3007, doi: 10.1029/2006RG000206


人米. 霍夫斯特拉,A., Sweetkind, D, St一个, W.科恩,D。.盖博,C, Banerjee, A. 2012年,分析 and numerical models of hydro的rmal fluid flow at fault intersections, Geofluids, v. 12, 312–326


人,米. 巴特勒,维.盖博,C. W.,维拉米尔,T.韦弗莱克,D.D。. 谢林,2012, Hydrodynamic stagnation z一个s: A new play concept for的 Llanos Basin, Colombia, Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 96 no. 1 p. 23-41.


Pepin J, 人米, Phillips F, Kelley S, Timmons S, Witcher J, 和Gable C, 2014, Deep Fluid Circulation within Crystalline Basement Rocks and 的 Role of Hydrologic Windows in 的 Formation of 的 Truth or Consequences, 新 Mexico Low-Temperature Geo的rmal System, Geofluids, doi: 10.1111 /金五环.12111.


张,Y., 人,米.拉普,J.艾里特,K.西莉亚,M.A.盖博,C.W.鲍文,B.埃文斯,J.Bandilla, K.莫兹利,P.S.杜尔斯,T.艾略特,T., 2013, Hydrogeologic controls on induced seismicity in crystalline basement 岩石 due to fluid injection 成 basal reservoirs: 地下水v. 第51期第4期 p. 525–538.


张,Y., S. Edel J. Pepin, M. 人等。., “Exploring 的 potential linkages between oil‐field brine reinjection, crystalline basement permeability, and triggered seismicity for 的 Dagger Draw Oil field, doi: 10.1111 /金五环.12199

